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Scriber for



Drawing quickly has been for me an unusual skill until I have met Ars et Inventio.

Usually clients ask you to be as fast as you can in deliver a work.

When Scribing, you must understand the client's needs when you are drawing.

I am a freelance Scriber for Ars et Inventio. I help people understanding concepts during meeting and workshops through drawing, charts and maps.

My works are never the same because every time people are different, with different needs and different arguments.


This is my personal page on Ars et Inventio Partners .


Oliver Stone has put his signature on my drawing!
Lorenzo Moneta @WOBI2016
Adam Grant @WOBI2016 about teamwork
Ken Segall @WOBI2016 about focus.
Trump US president
Erik Wahl @WOBI2016 about creativity
Sir Richard Branson about future challenges in workteam
Richard Branson @WBF 2015
Alessandro Baricco @WBF 2015
Baricco @WBF 2015
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